Small business vs. big business

Whose data is more secure?


Is your company data safe?

Our professional guest is Tamás Horváth, cyber security expert, founder of Brightdea Solution Kft.

Digitization and cyber security

European Union surveys confirm that the managers of small and large enterprises are increasingly focusing on digitization when developing their economic and strategic planning for next year. In the intensifying market competition, the introduction of a secure company management system, in which ALL the company's data can be stored in a central location, is becoming a pressing need.

Have you heard about the risks of cyber abuse?

In a global survey, nearly two-thirds of respondents spend less than 5 percent of annual sales on the information security budget, while 38 percent of respondents spend less than 1 percent on IT security. However, in order to ensure the security of your business processes, the protection of your data assets and your company's information must be an integral part of your strategic planning.

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The date of the webinar

2021.02.25. 14:00-16:00


Is your company data safe?

Our professional guest is Tamás Horváth, cyber security expert, founder of Brightdea Solution Kft.

Digitalizáció és kiberbiztonság.

European Union surveys confirm that the managers of small and large enterprises are increasingly focusing on digitization when developing their economic and strategic planning for next year. In the intensifying market competition, the introduction of a secure company management system, in which ALL the company's data can be stored in a central location, is becoming a pressing need.

Have you heard about the risks of cyber abuse?

In a global survey, nearly two-thirds of respondents spend less than 5 percent of annual sales on the information security budget, while 38 percent of respondents spend less than 1 percent on IT security. However, in order to ensure the security of your business processes, the protection of your data assets and your company's information must be an integral part of your strategic planning.

Would you watch the webinar again?

The date of the webinar


Hacker - Cyber Kriminalität

Watch the webinar for free!


Request a 14-day free AppWorks demo if you answer YES to the following questions!

Do you think your data is safe just because it's saved on your computer?

Are you using an expensive company management system and don't know if it's worth it?

Don't have an emergency plan to protect your business's data?

Don't know how much you should spend on IT security?

The Applion webinar answers your questions, all for free, from the comfort of your home, live.

Young engineer businesswoman in network server room. Russia.

What was the webinar about?

  • experience-based solutions with an emergency package
  • elimination of possible errors
  • secure software to help digital transformation
  • steps of digitization: how to get started?
  • developing risk-based protection
  • setting up a change management process
  • data protection of small and large enterprises

Request a free demo period to get to know Hungary's leading on-site work support (FSM) solution!

Young engineer businesswoman in network server room. Russia.

What was the webinar about?

  • experience-based solutions with an emergency package
  • elimination of possible errors
  • secure software to help digital transformation
  • steps of digitization: how to get started?
  • developing risk-based protection
  • setting up a change management process
  • data protection of small and large enterprises

Request a free demo period to get to know Hungary's leading on-site work support (FSM) solution!

About our professional guest

The professional guest of our February webinar was Tamás Horváth, cyber security expert, founder of Brightdea Solution Kft. He founded his company in response to today's information security challenges. Their goal is to report useful solutions for small and large businesses on the webinars, which you can use to protect your company's information security risks.


About our professional guest

Februári webinárunk szakmai meghívottja volt  Horváth Tamás, cyber security expert, a Brightdea Solution Kft. alapítója a jelenkor információbiztonsági kihívásaira válaszul alapította meg cégét. Céljuk, hogy webinárunkon kis-és nagyvállalkozások számára hasznos megoldásokról számoljon be, amelyekkel kivédheted céged információ biztonságának kockázatait.


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Szakértő kollégáink megismerik vállalkozásod működését és egyéni rendszerbemutatót tartanak számodra.


Dávid A. Balázs

Business Development Manager

The host of the event

The webinar will be held by Applion's business development manager, Dávid A. Balázs, who has 10 years of experience in the digitalization of businesses. 

He was the first in Hungary to obtain an expert certification regarding certain cloud-based solutions of SAP, through which he participated in the automation of the processes of many multinational companies from the United States of America, through Europe, to the Philippines, which included the largest companies in our country. 

In the course of his work, he conducted surveys of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and offered solutions for the elimination of paper-based processes and the digitization of work organization.

As a black belt AppWorks expert, Applion's current and future clients are available to address the limitations of digital transformation.


Dávid A. Balázs

Business Development Manager

The host of the event

A webinárt az Applion Üzletfejlesztési vezetője, Balázs. A. Dávid tartja, akinek 10 éves tapasztalata van a vállalkozások digitalizációja terén. 

He was the first in Hungary to obtain an expert certification regarding certain cloud-based solutions of SAP, through which he participated in the automation of the processes of many multinational companies from the United States of America, through Europe, to the Philippines, which included the largest companies in our country. 

In the course of his work, he conducted surveys of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and offered solutions for the elimination of paper-based processes and the digitization of work organization.

As a black belt AppWorks expert, Applion's current and future clients are available to address the limitations of digital transformation.


What software do you use?

Finally, the focus is on a proven secure, cloud-based digital worksheet and task management solution, which can help not only your business processes, but also the uninterrupted service of your customers, while the work of field workers is constantly monitored. In addition, office workers can prioritize tasks in real-time and increase the overall efficiency and productivity of the field service team.

29% of senior managers put the digitization of business processes in the first place when it comes to optimizing their company's processes. Therefore, you must consider the protection of data and information as a common goal at the company level with all members of your team!

According to 29% of senior managers, the digitization of the company is a priority.


What software do you use?

Finally, the focus is on a proven secure, cloud-based digital worksheet and task management solution, which can help not only your business processes, but also the uninterrupted service of your customers, while the work of field workers is constantly monitored. In addition, office workers can prioritize tasks in real-time and increase the overall efficiency and productivity of the field service team.

29% of senior managers put the digitization of business processes in the first place when it comes to optimizing their company's processes. Therefore, you must consider the protection of data and information as a common goal at the company level with all members of your team!

According to 29% of senior managers, the digitization of the company is a priority.


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