Advanced digital worksheet management

Software demonstration webinar


Software demonstration webinar

The epidemiological situation has a significant impact on all businesses. This also includes those companies dealing with on-site departures (e.g.: maintenance, logistics, air-conditioning installation, security technology) whose daily work is determined by working away from the office. In order to prevent the virus, many companies have called on their employees to work remotely, but this does not work in the life of every company.

If you feel that your company's turnover has dropped significantly from its current location, there are many tools at your disposal with which you can effectively organize your tasks.

That is why Applion has now launched a free webinar series to help educate businesses in trouble during the pandemic.

Request a call back by filling out the form below so that you can learn about Hungary's leading on-site work support (FSM) solution and get answers to your work organization questions!

The date of the webinar

2020.12.10. 14:00-16:00


Software demonstration webinar

A járványügyi helyzet jelentős kihatással van minden vállalkozásra. Ebbe beletartoznak azok a helyszíni kiszállással foglalkozó (pl.: karbantartó, logisztikai, klímaszerelő, biztonságtechnikai) cégek is, akiknek mindennapjait a helyszíni munkavégzések határozzák meg. A vírus megakadályozása érdekében számos cég távmunkára szólította fel a dolgozóit.

Ha most úgy is érzed, hogy vállalkozásod forgalmát jelentősen visszavetette a kényszerített otthoni munkavégzés, számos olyan eszköz van a kezedben, amellyel kiszállásos munkáidat hatékonyan rendszerezheted.

Éppen ezért az Applion most ingyenes webinárium sorozatot indított, hogy ezzel is segítse a bajba jutott vállalatok pandémiás időszakban való edukációját.

Kérj visszahívást a lenti űrlap kitöltésével, hogy megismerhesd Magyarország vezető helyszíni munkavégzést támogató (FSM) megoldását és választ kaphass a munkaszervezéssel kapcsolatos kérdéseidre!

The date of the webinar



Watch the webinar for free!


If you answered YES to any of the questions below, try the free demo period!

Are you trying to organize your daily schedules on Excel tables and your colleagues are lost in the details?

Is paperwork burdensome and cumbersome? Would you like to go digital but don't know where to start?

Untraceable working hours of your team?

Do you want to increase customer satisfaction, but don't know how?

14-day free trial absolutely free, from the comfort of your home, live.


What does the free trial get you?

  • knowledge material on how to organize your team's daily work without unnecessary administration
  • a solution to eliminate time losses caused by manual documentation creation
  • an effective tool to accurately measure the performance of your colleagues
  • free needs assessment
  • modern software for digital worksheet management
  • valuable information on how to organize your tasks, manage your stock and optimize your deliveries IN ONE SYSTEM

Are you curious about the details? Request a call back!


What does the free trial get you?

  • tudásanyagot arról, hogyan szervezd csapatod mindennapi munkáját felesleges adminisztráció nélkül
  • a solution to eliminate time losses caused by manual documentation creation
  • an effective tool to accurately measure the performance of your colleagues
  • free needs assessment
  • modern software for digital worksheet management
  • valuable information on how to organize your tasks, manage your stock and optimize your deliveries IN ONE SYSTEM

Are you curious about the details? Request a call back!

Who uses it?

  • electrician, air conditioner and solar panel installer, as well as a company that works on many sites
  • companies dealing with life force safety and protection
  • enterprises performing machine maintenance
  • large companies providing logistics and transport activities

Who uses it?

  • electrician, air conditioner and solar panel installer, as well as a company that works on many sites
  • companies dealing with life force safety and protection
  • enterprises performing machine maintenance
  • large companies providing logistics and transport activities

The goal of our software presentation webinar

Our webinar is for those who want to promote the optimization of their company's work processes, while generating traffic despite the difficult circumstances, and increasing efficiency and productivity for the sake of the undisturbed satisfaction of their customers.


Dávid A. Balázs

Business Development Manager

The host of the event

The webinar will be held by Applion's business development manager, Dávid A. Balázs, who has 10 years of experience in the digitalization of businesses. 

He was the first in Hungary to obtain an expert certification regarding certain cloud-based solutions of SAP, through which he participated in the automation of the processes of many multinational companies from the United States of America, through Europe, to the Philippines, which included the largest companies in our country. 

In the course of his work, he conducted surveys of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and offered solutions for the elimination of paper-based processes and the digitization of work organization.

As a black belt AppWorks expert, Applion's current and future clients are available to address the limitations of digital transformation.


Dávid A. Balázs

Business Development Manager

The host of the event

A webinárt az Applion Üzletfejlesztési vezetője, Balázs. A. Dávid tartja, akinek 10 éves tapasztalata van a vállalkozások digitalizációja terén. 

He was the first in Hungary to obtain an expert certification regarding certain cloud-based solutions of SAP, through which he participated in the automation of the processes of many multinational companies from the United States of America, through Europe, to the Philippines, which included the largest companies in our country. 

In the course of his work, he conducted surveys of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and offered solutions for the elimination of paper-based processes and the digitization of work organization.

As a black belt AppWorks expert, Applion's current and future clients are available to address the limitations of digital transformation.


Are you curious about the details?

Try our solutions for free for two weeks! Ask our staff to call you back and they will contact you soon!